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Essential I: Scientific Underpinnings for Practice 



       Essential I describes the scientific underpinnings for nursing practice. These foundational elements are derived from natural and social sciences and include complex organizational structures, human biology, physiology, and psychology. Historical, philosophical, and ethical issues are applied to natural or social sciences to provide context for this Essential. Nursing science creates the body of knowledge to guide practice and frame the development of middle range theories or concepts for nursing practice. 

DNP I Essentials achievement:


      In preparation for, and throughout my DNP project, the application of theoretical frameworks provided the underpinning for practice introspection, evaluation and improvement. Preparatory efforts included review of nursing theoretical frameworks, change models, leadership frameworks and the evolution of these to develop a personal nursing philosophy. 


     The application of this philosophy carried me through the duration of my quality improvement project (QIP) and will undoubtedly continue to support me through professional practice endeavors. It establishes a foundation that, over time and learning through application, will continue to evolve. 


DNP learning that met this Essential: 


NURS 6010: This course highlighted the collection of Grand, Mid-range and Caring theories and culminated in a philosophy development. The dynamic contributions from theorists including Florence Nightingale, John Lowe, Kristin Swanson, and Madeleine Leininger created the foundation for a personal philosophy which contains both centric and selfless attributes. The dichotomous model was developed to address the need for service, while also addressing the need for self-care.  

DNP Project Courses 8035 & 8040: Application of two complimentary frameworks: Improving Chronic Illness Care and Kotter’s Change Model. Both served as guiding principles for my DNP project and were first identified in my formal project proposal. 

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