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Essential III: Clinical Scholarship and Analytical Methods for Evidence-Based Practice 






     Essential III describes the DNP prepared nurse’s proficiency with scholarship and research.The DNP’s unique approach includes evaluation, integration, translation and application of evidence-based practices. Through the translation into practice, new discoveries of human need and human caring emerge. This preparation establishes the DNP graduate’s readiness to generate new evidence through practice that guides improvements and care delivery outcomes. 

DNP III Essentials achievement:


     In the practice environment, this essential came to life through the evaluation of the scientific evidence. At inception, creating the outline to conduct the comprehensive literature review was undertaken. Consistent with research methodology, this yielded hundreds of articles requiring high level review and refinement for applicability to the intended population, framework and/or interventions. After sorting and selecting, the literature was scrutinized further and analyzed using several learned methods including Consort appraisal, Prisma checklist. Once the target literature was identified, an evidence and synthesis table were generated to track information for ongoing reflection and application throughout the project. 


     In addition to the required academic offerings, I had the opportunity to join in a DNP/PhD learning collaborative. This collaborative provided the opportunity to develop further skills with evaluating, analyzing and disseminating evidence. 


     Data analysis occurred iteratively throughout the course of the curriculum and DNP project application. Specifically, learning development occurred through didactic and practice application to include descriptive and inferential statistics, quality and quantitative analytic methods. The learning application was used for analyzing both clinical and statistical significances and trends. The culmination of the learning was applied for the DNP project analysis and results. The outcome of the learning and application supported my role as expert in understanding current evidence, application and outcomes in practice for this QIP.


DNP learning that met this Essential: 


  • NURS 6108: Inferential Statistics and Quality Improvement

  • NURS 7631: Quantitative methods Proposal for Quality Improvement

  • NURS 6856: Evidence Based Practice:  Synthesis Table, Consort Appraisal and Prisma Checklist

  • DNP/PhD I & II Collaborative: Poster: Converging Care Transitions: Applying the AHRQ Care Coordination Framework. PPT: Type 2 Diabetes management in the primary care setting: Identifying a sustainable model. 

  • DNP Project: Evidence Table, run charts and statistical analysis



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