Essential VII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving the Nation’s Health
Essential VII establishes the DNP graduate's foundation in clinical prevention and population health. Skill development includes analysis of epidemiological, biostatistical, occupational, and environmental data in the development, implementation, and evaluation of clinical prevention. The DNP prepared nurse supports holistic care delivery through health promotion, risk reduction and illness prevention at the individual, community and population level.

DNP VII Essentials achievement:
My DNP project centered around the Quadruple Aim, specifically, improving outcomes through holistic care delivery thereby reducing the risk for otherwise avoidable and unnecessary medical interventions. The focused intervention of the project was improving communication and coordination. To support the project, I collaborated early and consistently with the Collective Medical Technologies Premanage team which provided timely access to patient utilization across facilities and regions at the patient and population level. This was key to evaluation of the intervention successes. Additionally, collaboration with the IT team supported acquisition of biostatistical and epidemiologic data available in the EMR. This DNP essential provided key learning about these collaborations to support implementation science and quality improvement outcomes.
Further application of this learning was used for progressive collaborations through a DNP/PhD Intensive which yielded a poster presentation and epidemiological review of patient with diabetes.

DNP learning that met this Essential:
DNP/PhD I & II Collaborative: Poster: Converging Care Transitions: Applying the AHRQ Care Coordination Framework. PPT: Type 2 Diabetes management in the primary care setting: Identifying a sustainable model.
DNP Project: Details can be found in the paper summary of my project (pending): Reducing Hospital Admissions for Patients With Heart Failure by Implementing the Chronic Care Management Framework: A Cost, Quality and Satisfaction Improvement Project. Data summary provided for immediate review at this time.