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Essential IV: Information Systems/Technology and Patient Care Technology for the Improvement and Transformation of Health Care  



     Essential IV prepares the DNP graduate to use information technologies to improve patient and healthcare system outcomes and provide leadership across healthcare settings including academia. Expertise in information technologies supports clinical decision making to improve outcomes in care. The DNP prepared nurse may design, select and use information technology to evaluate patient and financial outcomes, and support program productivity. Examples of information technologies encapsulated in this Essential include web-based designs, online documentation, telemedicine, data mining, software programs. The DNP prepared nurse exhibits core competencies in selection and application of information technologies with regard to legal, ethical and regulatory compliance requirements. 

DNP IV Essentials achievement:


     Several information technology resources were developed and utilized during the course of my DNP curriculum and project. Application of knowledge included, but was not limited to, information input, file management, data extraction, variability and relevance of discrete versus continuous data, report formatting, and registry development. Electronic applications included the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) which served to hold information for general access and data analysis; Business Analytics, the complimentary reporting software used to provide quantitative analysis from the EMR; Collective Medical Technologies Premanage Software, an independent software system that provides insights on patient utilization across organizations and regions; the Care Management Registry file created to identify potential candidates for enrollment; Excel Workbook allowed for managing and maintaining data for later analysis, creation of run charts and statistical analysis of the data. 


     To initiate this quality improvement project as well as promote sustainability, collaboration occurred with the Analytics and Decision Support team. This collaboration yielded the creation of reports from the EMR, development of workflow documents, and creation of a patient registry. Collaboration with IT specialists yielded improved documentation flow and creation of a file space holder for care management documents. Collaboration with the Collective Medical Technologies team enabled set up for data reports. All aspects of these interactions supported the QIP but also resulted in promoting long term sustainability and share and spread of the project beyond the QIP population and duration. All data was acquired, managed, and maintained with respect to legal, ethical and regulatory compliance requirements. 


DNP learning that met this Essential: 


  • NURS 6286: Foundation in Healthcare Informatics Position Statement: The Adoption of Electronic Health Records for Care Coordination Programs

  • NURS 7631: Quantitative methods Proposal for Quality Improvement

  • DNP Project Analysis: Run charts, data analysis and results section

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